(keitai-l) KDDI research

From: John Whelan <john.whelan_at_alatto.com>
Date: 05/23/03
Message-ID: <NEBBLLLMJKPEFCMEDFKFCEPNEJAA.john.whelan@alatto.com>
According to http://www.guardian.co.uk/online/story/0,3605,937951,00.html

"According to a recent survey commissioned by mobile operator KDDI (Japan's
second largest telecommunications company), 80bn yen (£427m) was spent on
ring tones and mobile karaoke last year. Downloading karaoke costs as much
as a text message and new songs are released every day."

Deos anyone have anymore details on this survey?



Received on Fri May 23 15:22:28 2003