> You know, most of the reason that imode is so much more successful has
> nothing to do with he minitel, but on solid work done by content owners and
> Bouygues to get it right.
> That's my view, anyway..
It's always good to have an opinion :) (and I value it).
But as old fashioned Minitel now sounds, it created a foundation
for acceptance of these convenient online services.
I remember visiting a friend in Paris sometimes in the 80ties (?)
and he impressed me pretty much that he checked the cinema program,
reserved some seats in a restaurant etc, just by clicking some
buttons. Using Minitel was just "normal" for everybody.
So I always thought that France is the country where the acceptance
will be greater than in Germany.
I follow some online discussions about i-mode in Germany and there are
some supporters (who all miss some kind interconnectivity in one way
or the other with their non i-mode friends) and some people who just
hate i-mode. This goes all the way up to call it a "rice cooker
service" and worse.
Anyway, I would like to hear the opinion of a French person living
in France and preferable not working for Bouygues about the perception
of i-mode users and if (just if) they see any relation to good ol'
Thanks in advance,
Juergen Specht, CTO, Nooper.com - Mobile Services Inc., Tokyo, Japan
i-mode & FOMA consulting, development, testing: http://nooper.co.jp
Check Nooper, your little intelligent email buddy: http://nooper.com
Received on Mon May 12 15:41:17 2003