(keitai-l) Earthquake Noopie for your Keitai...

From: Juergen Specht <js_at_nooper.com>
Date: 05/12/03
Message-ID: <497113428.20030512094705@nooper.com>
For me as European, who was not used to shaking buildings (except
a truck passed by), earthquakes are kinda scary and fascinating
at the same time. Basically you can not really do anything when
mother nature strikes and there is nothing to hold on, because
just about everything shakes.

Since Tokyo gets pretty beaten up lately (more than normal?),
the best thing you can do is to inform yourself. It somehow makes
you feel better afterwards if you actually can get some info
about the shake.

So for this reason we introduced maybe 2 weeks ago Nooper's
"Earthquake Noopie". Short after a earthquake with a magnitude
of higher than 4,5 (or higher levels, individual configurable)
you receive info like this one from tonights quake to your Keitai:

Most recent earthquake:

Date/Time: 05/12 00:57
Magnitude: 5.5

North Chiba

Depth: 48.4km
from Tokyo: 40km

Somehow this function starts to get my favorite of all, because
this is info I ever wanted to have since I live in Japan. And
since I could not find it somewhere else, we implemented
it in a bilingual fashion, to keep people regardless of their
Japanese language abilities in the loop.

If you want to use it by yourself (it's a free service), you
need to register to Nooper first with your (i-mode, J-Sky, EZweb)

Internet -> Enter Location (URL) -> http://nooper.com
         -> click [6] for an English Interface
         -> Register

If you are already a member, just login and go to:

Noopie List -> New Noopies -> Earthquake Info -> Subscribe.

I recommend to subscribe it in the "Anytime (24h)" mode to get
informed even if a quake strikes at night. But if you have a good
sleep, you can also subscribe in the "Daytime only" mode, than you
receive the info next morning, if you are still able to read

We hope we can save some souls with this service.


Juergen Specht, CTO, Nooper.com - Mobile Services Inc., Tokyo, Japan
i-mode & FOMA consulting, development, testing:  http://nooper.co.jp
Check Nooper, your little intelligent email buddy: http://nooper.com
Received on Mon May 12 03:49:31 2003