(keitai-l) Re: java telephones

From: Juergen Specht <js_at_nooper.com>
Date: 05/08/03
Message-ID: <18913525007.20030508122150@nooper.com>
> I'm really disappointed that Flash doesn't have network access.

That's right, I would love to create a cute Nooper Flash interface.

> BTW, do all of the 505i series have QVGA screens? I didn't see this
> mentioned anywhere until I saw this month's Docomo phones catalogue,
> which rather quietly indicates that the D505i does. Man, that's going to
> make reading e-mail and web sites much, much nicer....

Sure thing! But definitely be careful with all D phones.
Most of them are really crap if you check the details.
For example the newest D251iS has a huge screen, but the Japanese
fonts are so big (with NO option to make them smaller) that you
actually get less on a screen than I get on my P504i (same screen
One of our programmers bought this phone and his purchase decision is
now our running office joke...

Also if you open it, there is a 1 second delay until the screen
appears. Sounds not tragic, but in a real live situation it nags
and nags and nags you.

I just ask our programmer what he thinks about his D251iS and
he says "It's slow. It takes too many steps to write an email.
ATOK is fine, but the key assignment is stupid." and "It's hard
to type with D's stupid keys" etc...

Since I know the D series phones since a long time, I know
that there is a philosophy behind and they will not break
much in the new D505i...I am pretty sure. If you think of buying
it, don't play with samples, but with a real phone. Most bigger
DoCoMo shops have actually connected samples (if it comes out)
to check all these details.

But the worst phone Mitsubishi ever created was this one (D2101V):


A perfect door stopper.

Juergen Specht, CTO, Nooper.com - Mobile Services Inc., Tokyo, Japan
i-mode & FOMA consulting, development, testing:  http://nooper.co.jp
Check Nooper, your little intelligent email buddy: http://nooper.com
Received on Thu May 8 06:23:54 2003