(keitai-l) Re: input devices: laser qwerty keyboard

From: Nick May <nick_at_kyushu.com>
Date: 05/07/03
Message-id: <fc.000f761000092ad53b9aca00a4b43891.92add@kyushunet.com>
keitai-l@appelsiini.net writes:
> From a usability standpoint, any 
>device that requires your HANDHELD, be it a Palm or phone, to sit on a 
>flat surface, has failed miserably.

..... if that is the sole means of input.

But as an ADDITIONAL means of input, it is potentially very useful. I
certainly have the need for a pda and  data capture device for the odd
1000 words of text. I use a Sinclair Cambridge Z88 for the latter, at

a laser keyboard  in a pda would be very useful in some situations where I
use the Z88, or even a laptop.....

How long before they can paint the screen ona  flat surface, using a

(again, useful in some sitautions, not others, so as an ADDITIONAL output

Received on Wed May 7 10:18:19 2003