> The phone-as-MP3-player thing has been tried once by Sony, but didn't
> meet with much success. Why was it not successful, and why haven't we
> seen something new that is successful? Here are some of the reasons.
All good points, Curt. But somebody I know and who owned for
a short time the Sony MP3 player Keitai told me one more reason
why he got rid of it: Battery issues.
If he can not hear music anymore, because the battery empty, that's
fine. But if he can not get reached by phone anymore because his
battery is empty, that's like (socially) dying.
So I guess it will get another chance if we finally get these
gas cell (?) powered Keitai. I heard we are 2 years away from
Juergen Specht, CTO, Nooper.com - Mobile Services Inc., Tokyo, Japan
i-mode & FOMA consulting, development, testing: http://nooper.co.jp
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Received on Mon Apr 28 13:10:07 2003