(keitai-l) Re: J-SH53 announced on 4/24

From: tek1 <tek1_at_pobox.com>
Date: 04/26/03
Message-id: <4.3.2-J.20030425221113.0341b500@smtp.comcast.net>
At 09:08 03/04/26 +0900, you wrote:

> > What is the URL to download this application?  Do they have a J2ME 
> version also?
>It's an official i-mode site, you have to register first to get
>access to this i-appli **on a keitai only**. Are you in Japan?

Not right now, so only have access to J2ME apps.

>But I would suggest that you download good examples to
>analyze them, there are really fantastic i-applis out

Well, you mentioned that it was a terrible app, so I wanted to see why it 
is so terrible...  Since I can't access it, can you explain its faults? 
Received on Sat Apr 26 05:10:03 2003