(keitai-l) SJIS encoding for "do"

From: Shawn <javajunkie_at_koyuru.com>
Date: 04/21/03
Message-Id: <1050892397.10671.27.camel@localhost.localdomain>
Does anyone know what the SJIS endcoding for the Hiragana "do" is?
Writing a String to a file in Java I get & #12393; (space added) which
shows correctly in a browser.

However, when trying to use that in a midp app, I just get the & #12393;

I am encoding it like:

  	FileOutputStream o = new
 	OutputStreamWriter osr = new OutputStreamWriter(o,"Shift_JIS");

So in theory I would expect real SJIS in my file which should compile
using --encoding=SJIS but & #12393; apprears as is and is not understood
by my Keitai in a midp app.

I suspect a bug.

PS. Yes I can save that Character using JEDIT (Java Editing tool) with
SJIS encoding and everything is warm and sunny but who wants to do
everything by hand.
Shawn <javajunkie@koyuru.com>
Received on Mon Apr 21 05:34:32 2003