(keitai-l) Re: Cheapest static IP address provider that is not blocked by ezweb/docomo/jphone.

From: James Santagata <jsanta_at_audiencetrax.com>
Date: 04/18/03
Message-Id: <>
At 03:05 PM 4/18/03 +0900, you wrote:
>You could go for a full virtual domain hosting plan from ICD soft.
>This gives you 999 email addresses. You can access your mail by the web or
>pop server. They charge 60 dollars a year for your first domain.

Is that 999 email addresses or static IP addresses? Email addresses won't help
because the mail servers are denying mail based on the IP address.

James Santagata 
Received on Fri Apr 18 19:45:51 2003