In the UK, at least, men over 35 chatting to ladies under 18 to whom they
have not been introduced is generally frowned upon (chiz chiz) - whereas
in Japan, it is largely regarded as a charming cultural tradition.
Search the archives for a thread about early advertising of Keitai and PHS
(Feel H, for example or the DDI "lamb & wolf" PHS ads - just at the time
"enjoukosai" ("assisted dating") was the worry of choice for the Japanese
The point is, in Japan, if you sell a communications device to an
attractive young lady, the over 35 male market is instantly INTERESTED!
>My impression is that e.mail over mobile networks in Japan is not as
>skewed to the younger section of the market. Is that right?
>I don't know why this should be. Maybe an interface issue, attitudes to
>gadgets and innovation, or simply a matter of social trends and
Received on Fri Apr 4 12:12:28 2003