On Wed, 26 Feb 2003 17:12:35 +0900
Juergen Specht <js@nooper.com> wrote:
> So I wonder...is this is nice trend among rich bored foreigners in
> Japan or really something we should consider adding as function?
I have been moblogging since 5:40pm on Thursday, January 4th, 2001
(while waiting at Yokohama Station TGIF). The reason I know is that is the
first entry in my blog that I posted from my phone. I use one of my
blogs as a public journal. It serves little use on a day to day basis
except as an memory aide for when you are curious as to what you were
doing some time ago. If you don't do this, you don't realize how much
you forget though a paper diary would serve the same purpose.
Having it set up has allowed me to record events like friends weddings
as they happen but with a phone's UI you tend to take too long to input
any reasonable comments to include with the pictures.
Generally the more mobile a blog is the less relevant the information is
outside your close circle of friends. Why would the whole world want to
see where you are? They don't, but your close friends and relations
I could see moblogs being useful for a salesman to report while he was
out on the road so that his supervisor could get a feel for where he
was or a delivery man to record his deliveries on a moblog visible inside an
intranet but posted to from a mobile device.
I think it really won't take off until in Japan until a device with a
keyboard like the Hiptop is cheap and available here then they will
become as big as Purikura...
> Than they find out how much it costs to send their pix on a daily
> base, they are somehow less interested.
Yep, this is a big turn off right now...
Received on Thu Feb 27 11:28:03 2003