(keitai-l) Re: Cinematic Keitai Horror from Korea

From: Brian <for_brian_at_yahoo.com>
Date: 02/24/03
Message-ID: <20030224125326.37898.qmail@web10104.mail.yahoo.com>
I immediately assumed that the email with the subject
"Cinematic Keitai Horror from Korea" was about a
different subject entirely.  I thought it was about
the recent subway train fire that killed a lot of
people (not sure the number).  I saw on Japanese TV
recently images taken from inside the train as it was
filling up with smoke and people where starting to get
worried.  It was a sequence of shots and therefore
somewhat 'cinematic'.  I think this relates directly
to the discussion on the impact of keitai camera's on
news.  I don't know if the person who took the picture
survived or how the pictures were found, but one could
imagine the person blogged them before dieing.  The
point about the cameras can more easily have an impact
than voice, which is what we got from people trapped
inside the twin towers on 911.

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Received on Mon Feb 24 14:53:09 2003