(keitai-l) Re: gimmick, but....

From: Tom Hume <tom_at_futureplatforms.com>
Date: 02/18/03
Message-Id: <>
It's no different from the availability of desktop publishing software 
lowering the barrier for entry when producing printed material, or digital 
video tools (e.g. Macs and Final Cut Pro) becoming more accessible and 
widespread, making film production easier.

Neither of these led to the downfall of their respective industries 
(publishing and film), but they certainly had an impact.

Of course, this time round it's the careers of journalists which are 
threatened so you're less likely to read positive reports about it in the 
media ;)

At 10:30 18/02/2003 +0100, Mattias Köhlmark wrote:
>The more you decentralize media the more you decentralize it's traditional
>roles. With for example "mob-logs" you make every mobile phone user a
>publisher, author, consumer, and distributor. This is truly empowering.

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Received on Tue Feb 18 12:30:15 2003