(keitai-l) a5302ca... neat so far

From: Tom Motoyoshi Kalland <tmk_at_infeline.org>
Date: 02/18/03
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0302180451050.16987-100000@lexx.infeline.org>
got the a5302ca a week or so ago, and just wanted to say that it works 
quite well. clearly the software is clumsy sometimes, but its still far 
better than most other phones ive tried. also the whole thing wasnt any 
problem to figure out in an hour or two despite rusty kanji skills 
(remember someone asked about how those jp only phones were to use if one 
didnt know japanese).
any sensible java apps one should download for it? 
anywhere i can find some cool video clips?
(ezweb has too many kanjis for my liking :/ ).

Received on Tue Feb 18 05:57:55 2003