(keitai-l) best selling handsets

From: dc <dc_at_gamelet.com>
Date: 01/15/03
I saw on the list once some sales stats on different handsets. can someone
point me to this resource?

are there any stats on N vs P 504iS? the N seems to be sold out everywhere.



  売れ筋上位5商品 順位 (順位変動) メーカー名 型番 (シェア変動(%)) デジタル
      1 (+1) NTTドコモ P504I (-0.4) PDC方式
      2 (-1) NTTドコモ N504IS (-2.4) PDC方式
      3 (+1) NTTドコモ N504I (+0.5) PDC方式
      4 (-1) NTTドコモ D251I (+0.3) PDC方式
      5 (0) NTTドコモ N251I (0.0) PDC方式

From this link it looks like the P504iS wasnt even in the top 5?

               david 'dc' collier

          e   |     dc@gamelet.com
          v   |    +81 (0)90 5343 4586
see you at >> www.GDCMobile.com <<
Received on Wed Jan 15 16:45:43 2003