I think au/KDDI currently provides most feature-rich and complex
DRM (if you call it DRM) in Japan. I don't know how it's related
to WAP or i-mode (you can't even have attachment for i-mode mail
in DoCoMo's PDC network, the whole i-mode is a mess that DoCoMo
is having big problems with).
I think it's more filesystem. if you don't agree, then you could
(should) say the best keitai DRM is currently provided by WAP.
it's a piece of cake if anyone wants it - add file attributes in
closed systems. you can hack WAP/MMS yourself if you wish, and
if you let someone else hack it radically, you may get i-mode.
the real problem I think is whatif one day we have in keitai's
Linux, Windows CE, or Symbian turned to Windows, ... that even
teenagers can hack them easily.
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Received on Sun Jan 12 12:31:49 2003