Based on the article you gave the link to, and the lovely diagram
enclosed within, it looks to me like they are just offering a special
service to ISPs that gives the provider better access into docomo's
mail system than what they would get if they didn't sign up for the
service. It doesn't say "if you don't pay, you can't send mail to
docomo users" but "if you pay, you get your own dedicated connection
into our mail system". Doesn't sound all that evil, unless I missed
something. Just sounds like they're trying to defray the cost of
general internet mail access by having a "premium" service for those
ISPs willing to pay.
BTW, it said the system was going to go into effect in March of 2002,
so we should have known quite a while back if something evil happened
or not...
On 2002.12.19, at 06:04 PM, Mika Tuupola wrote:
> On Wed, 18 Dec 2002, Mika Tuupola wrote:
>> Interesting mail cathced from postfix-users today. Anyone
>> on the list have more info on this one? IMNSHO this policy
>> does not make much sense.
> And for those who can read kanji here is the webpage
> about the matter:
> --
> Mika Tuupola
> This mail was sent to address
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Received on Thu Dec 19 12:37:12 2002