FLEX-MAGAZINE@TELDA.NET wrote: > > what do you think about this? > > http://neasia.nikkeibp.com/wcs/leaf?CID=onai > r/asabt/news/220551 > I think it's pretty groovey, esp. when you consider the follwing: http://www.pocketgps.co.uk/emtachw.asp http://www.openbrain.co.kr/e_site/e_products/e_products03.htm http://news.zdnet.co.uk/story/0,,t269-s2071869,00.html http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/39/28467.html http://www.megafoundation.org/UltraHIQ/HIQNews/1997_Forecast_Update_2000.html (look under bluetooth throat microphone and voice operated translation) Now, if VIA had only included bluetooth on their ITX motherboards, I would be a happy camper. Also looking for that Bluetooth enabled with Air H' adapter/gateway/firewall that will extend my PAN to the internet (when required). Down side(s)? 1. Bluetooth will never be used for "mission critical" instrumentation. 2. Can't effectivly war drive with a Bluetooth GPS. 3. Slower commute times due to attempting to stay with the person in the next car you're swapping CDs with. 4. getting your personal address book stolen by the P2P spam agragator app that everyone is "getting paid" to run on their bluetooth keitai (and with that I'm actually on topic). 5. ? 6. Profit.Received on Wed Dec 18 18:04:38 2002