Hello again,
> 1. where is com.nttdocomo.io.* needed, coz I saw that all class
> needed is already supported by midp/cldc API (I use midp 1.0)
Naruhodo. Delete the 'import com.nttdocomo.io.*' from Call.java, and replace
it with whatever class that is in the MIDP. That is probably why you're seeing
the classnotdeferror.
> 3. I found a *runtime-error* (java.lang.NullPointerException) while
> executing
> c = (HttpConnection) Connector.open(url, Connector.READ_WRITE, true);
> statement in postIt funtion (Call.java), this statement is executed
> before c.connect(); that I commented out.
> can anyone help me, why static method (open) of
> javax.microedition.io.Connector throws that error?
is the url null?
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