(keitai-l) Re: Japanese Characters on KDDI phones

From: Darren Cook <darren_at_dcook.org>
Date: 12/11/02
Message-ID: <3DF6B64D.1020904@dcook.org>
>>I think we needed to set the encoding type (SJIS) in the apache config;
> Well I've tried setting a few encodings such as:

Here is what I have:
  AddType text/x-hdml;charset=Shift_JIS     hdml

However I only have that on one site and have never been asked to add it
to other WAP sites so I wonder if it is actually required. Or maybe only
needed for the early phones?

> ... They also have the effect of making the Japanese
> characters unviewable in my browser as well, which is odd...

That shouldn't happen so I'd fix this first then come back to the phone
- are you sure your script is outputting Shift-JIS and not UTF-8?

Received on Wed Dec 11 06:02:46 2002