(keitai-l) Re: cdma2000 1x vs W-CDMA

From: Tony Chan <tc7991_at_netvigator.com>
Date: 11/22/02
Message-ID: <3DDDD571.3090304@netvigator.com>
if CDMA2000 is 3G than WCDMA is 4G. Think of it this way, GSM uses a 250 
khz carrier, CDMA uses a 1.25Mhz carrier, WCDMA uses a 5 MHz carrier - 
hence wideband.

what the CDMA people are saying is that, hey we got this technology that 
is close to ten years old but it performs a hell of a lot better than 
the technology (GSN) that you are using now, which is over 15 year's 
old. And of course, it is much better than the new technology (WCDMA) 
that you have just invented and trying to commercialize now. Why not 
forget both, and just use our technology.

the point is that while CDMA is mature now and starting to evolve more 
rapidly as a technology with 1x, and 1x EV-Dx, it is still limited by 
its 1.25MHz carrier design. There is only so much bandwidth that you can 
pack into a 1.25MHz carrier (so far about 2.4 Mbps with EV-DV). With its 
bigger carrier, WCDMA networks will always be capable of 3x the 
throughput of CDMA. All those performance improvements, like 1x, and 
EV-Dx, will eventually be develop for WCDMA, so when the technical 
improvements of EV-DV is deployed over a WCDMA network it should get 
something like 7.2 Mbps.

in five year's time, when WCDMA is mature, anyone who has purposely 
built a 3G network using CDMA2000 1x, will end up like today's GPRS 
operators trying to compete against 1x.

qualcomm is actually asking people to rush into a technology that will 
be outdated in a couple of years. US analysts are always the first ones 
to be taken in by qualcomm, understandably, and always tell only one 
side of the story.

analysts who say that operators with 3G licenses should forget about 
WCDMA because it is late and just built a CDMA 1x, or worse GSM 1x 
network in its place, obvious don't understand anything about the Asian 
market or the difference between GSM and CDMA.

Joao Paulo Silva wrote:

> Hi all
> As anyone read the conclusions on a "cdma2000 1x vs W-CDMA" report recently published by Sapere Mobile!!!?
> Is it my impression or a lot of korean/american analysts are desperately trying to prove the superiority of cdma2000 1x, just because W-CDMA networks and hansets have taken more time to develop that expected?
> http://www.saperemobile.com/reportpressrelease.html
> A few conclusions from the report:
> "Operators that paid too much for 3G licenses, technology that won't be ready for at least three years, and skeptical investors add up to a losing proposition.
> Europe's regulators must give operators more time and flexibility. All reasonable options should be considered including infrastructure sharing, spectrum swapping, disaggregation of spectrum for resale or leasing, and alternative technologies
> Prospects for GSM1x, the CDMA2000 overlay for GSM, are particularly good in Asia where some operators own both GSM and CDMA2000 networks. GSM1x enables GSM operators to upgrade to 3G in existing spectrum, and allows combining dual networks to reduce operating costs and provide users a best-of-both-worlds solution
> CDMA2000 will capture the majority of 3G subscribers for at least the next three years. Some 2G operators, particularly in Asia, will be forced to reevaluate their 3G strategies. CDMA450, a CDMA2000 solution for the 450 MHz band, is particularly attractive to operators in Russia, Eastern Europe, and Africa."
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Received on Fri Nov 22 09:08:21 2002