j-phone and tu-ka have some coop on messagin since fall '99 (i.e. pre
ezweb/jsky) so that you can send skymail/skymessage (or whatever tu-ka calls
it) between the carriers. remembering having a tu-ka back then and suddenly
one day it changed from not being able to message anyone (so few with tu-ka)
to being able to message "everyone". :)
phs... well, not usable if you use to talk on the phone while driving or on
the train i guess.
Paul Lester wrote:
> My recommendation is to look into PHS. (aka powerastel etc).
> Its cheaper and has higher voice quality than either AU JPhone or
> DoCoMo, but I don't know if there are English menus. They have
> most of the features you would want like cool ringtones and color screens
> as well.
> If you have a choice do not use AU, JPhone, TuKa or DoCoMo unless
> a programmer or want a built in camera, or 40 voice ringtones.
> On another thing:
> I don't think one can send Skymail from JPhone to AU but you can
> send Longmail (email) from any JPhone to any AU handset. But I
> may be wrong. My friend was able to send skymail from her JPhone (JSky)
> handset to my TuKa handset (EZWeb).... so maybe you can. That
> surprised me! But then again my EZWeb handset seems to
> have a lot of features from the J-T51 .... maybe its an exception.
> Does someone know about this?
Received on Thu Nov 21 12:51:23 2002