(keitai-l) Re: new au/KDDI phones

From: Ken Chang <kench_at_hotmail.com>
Date: 11/19/02
Message-ID: <F273A2aiVklUVhjNIjm0000071b@hotmail.com>
(1) au A5xxx bilingual phones
don't know if new A5302CA or A5303H are bilingual, probably none.
but there'll be some new A53xx models from Toshiba (slim w/o SD),
Kyocera, Panasonic (w/ SD), and Sony-Ericsson next spring (at least
3 months away), and the long-waited Sanyo organic EL display phone.

because current Sony and Panasonic (A3003P) phones are bilingual
maybe the new models will be, too.  I'm also looking for a A53xx
phone with SD+MP3 and Global Passport but am disappointed.


(2) new FOMA phones
the FOMA P2102V next month will be a great phone, and I heard that
they managed to reduce weight to 124 g (was 130 g in the previous
material).  it has a large 2.35" LCD and two CMOS cameras.  what's
sexy is that the display can be turned to rotate 90° for shooting
like a video camera, similar to the new Samsung and LGE cdma2000
handsets.  since the J-Phone IMT will need at least half year to
improve the service, P2102V is a perfect phone to fill the gap, ...
and the FOMA network is not that bad in the Tokyo area.

http://tori2.hp.infoseek.co.jp/cgi-bin/upload/source/up0238.jpg (P2102V)
http://tori2.hp.infoseek.co.jp/cgi-bin/upload/source/up0240.jpg (N2051)
http://tori2.hp.infoseek.co.jp/cgi-bin/upload/source/up0241.jpg (F2051)

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Received on Tue Nov 19 16:31:54 2002