(keitai-l) Re: Camera phone : How much functionality is exposed via an API?

From: Jason Pollard <jasonpollard_at_yahoo.com>
Date: 11/16/02
Message-ID: <20021116004929.52907.qmail@web9901.mail.yahoo.com>
Currently, nothing, nada, zilch.  Probably for 'security' reasons.  i.e.  to
secure greater profits for the carriers.

AFAIK, you can only send the images via sha-mail or use whatever built-in
features the carrier/handset makers put in there.

But the camera phones are new, so maybe there will be some APIs in a year or


--- turner@uvs.is wrote:
> Hello,
> I have not had the chance to play with a camere equipped handset so I've 
> got lots of questions for those of you who have. For starters, what 
> exactly can I do as a programmer with a camera phone? Is there a rich API 
> that let's me talk to the camera subsytem from  a midlet ? From point to 
> shoot to send where and when can I have callbacks to my own code to do 
> something interesting?
> Thanks,
> Doug
> This mail was sent to address jasonpollard@yahoo.com
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Received on Sat Nov 16 02:59:21 2002