(keitai-l) Re: Monopoly docomo?

From: Ken Chang <kench_at_hotmail.com>
Date: 11/14/02
Message-ID: <F258DHzoHw1bRa9Kzxv00006666@hotmail.com>
the topic may fan out into 100 directions but I'd like to tell
my conclusion first - in Japan DoCoMo uses i-mode, au/KDDI uses
WAP, and J-Phone is in a transition from MML to WAP, each one
has its own ways of doing business, different working styles
with partners etc., but after all their wireless data services
generate similar results proportional to the market/segment share
of the voice services.

so little difference other than the total number of subscribers.

even the "worst" operator TU-KA provides very attractive services
that it seams many of its subscribers determined to stick with
until the company terminates someday (some TU-KA discount plans
require you sign a 2-year contract).



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Received on Thu Nov 14 15:11:41 2002