Hello everyone,
Although the conventional wisdom is that faster data and other new services
lead to greater ARPUs, KDDI's recent history with its 64kbps and its cdma1x
phones, docomo's history with java, and j-phone's history with sha mail
suggests that it is much more complex than this. KDDI has had significantly
lower ARPUs than docomo and j-phone in spite of introducing 64 kbps phones
two years ago and as far as I know no new applications emerged for these 64
kbps phones. the same thing appears to happening with the 1x phones. When I
made this comment in a presentation at a recent mobile conference, a
Quallcom representative responded with "the key applications for 1x phones
are the existing applications for 2G phones." he is probably right, at
least in the short run. It is also widely reported that sha-mail only
increases ARPU's by somewhere between 5% and 10%. further, although docomo
always talks about the higher ARPUs of 503 phones, it is likely that the
cause and effect is backwards. according to natsuno's recent book, average
i-mode usage on a packet basis rose about 10% from the release of java
phones in january 2001to september 2001and has since then dropped back to
its pre-java release levels. the probable reason is that big i-mode users,
particularly big game users were the first people to buy java phones and
thus the ARPU's for 503 phones were initially higher than the ARPUs for
non-java phones. but as the rest of us acquire 503 and 504 phones, the
average ARPUs for java phones are converging quickly on the average ARPU's
for non-java phones. The real reason for introducing these new technologies
is to increase or at least maintain market share.
best regards,
jeff funk
It is very easy to get the cause and effect turned around for new
At 11:31 02/10/30 +0000, you wrote:
>Hello everyone,
>I am trying to get a rough idea of what proportion of reported KDDI cdma =
>1x subscriptions are actively using cdma 1x data services (at least once =
>a month). Can anyone help out and/or supply any good contacts on this =
>James Moore
>This mail was sent to address funk@rose.rokkodai.kobe-u.ac.jp
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Received on Fri Nov 1 03:06:04 2002