Your question is not very 'keitai', however:
I know php is not very efficient concerning xml manipulation.
DOM XML functions are still heavy and not stabilized.
They also have a sax parser "sablotron" which I have been using long ago,
something like:
function trans_xsl($xml_file,$xsl_file,$xsl_type){
$parser = xslt_create();
xslt_run($parser, $xsl_file , $xml_file);
fclose ($out);
It needs event handler function: function startElement($parser, $name,
$attrs) and function endElement($parser, $name)
see php.net for more
another option is to use a java parser if you have java running on your server.
il the class XmlTool as a xtransform method:
$work=new Java(XmlTool);
Hope it helps.
At 10:15 11/10/2002 +0900, you wrote:
>Anybody here doing xsl transformations (xml->html, wml, hdml) with php?
>Christian Molstrom
>This mail was sent to address vgaudin@free.fr
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