greetings all,
news about Emblaze,
and I haven't heard from PacketVideo for a while.
could anyone tell me what are really happening in Japan, and
how much money BLZ and PV have been making here from au/KDDI or
DoCoMo's new services?
btw, DoCoMo just adjusted their target number of subscribers
to FOMA to 0.4 mln by the end of March 2003, from 1.38 mln.
as today, one year after the service launch, they failed even
to meet the target number set for the end of March 2002
(less than 140k, the target was 150k).
another question is when we'll see Nokia phones back to Japan
for J-Phone IMT or ... FOMA? and are they still cooperating
with Sanyo?
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Received on Mon Sep 30 04:43:12 2002