J2ME phones have come onto the market here in the UK. I hear surprising=20
enthusiasm for them from operators, who are presumably excited by the extra=
traffic that i-appli users generate for DoCoMo.
At 19:50 06/08/2002 +0200, Arno Filbig wrote:
>Hi all,
>does anybody know if there is a iappli market in Europe or the US...
>(outside Japan)??
>and how does this work with the Java applications
>thx for your informations
>rgds Arno
>esmertec ag
>Arno Alex. Filbig
>Lagerstr. 14
>CH-8600 D=FCbendorf
>office phone: +41 1 823 89 23
>cell phone: +41 794 177 207
>office fax: +41 1 823 89 99
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