(keitai-l) Re: J-Phone's New Java Platform Could Be Proprietary

From: Joseph Bowbeer <jozart_at_blarg.net>
Date: 08/03/02
Message-ID: <000e01c23b25$4e43a540$0a0a0a0a@REPLICANT>
> fyi

As I read it, the article "reports" that some people at J-Phone want to
break compatibility with previous versions of J-Phone...

As the following table shows, there are several layers of J2ME compatiblity:


All the devices listed are compatible at the CLDC level.  In the CLDC+MIDP
devices, most of the API is provided by the CLDC layer -- but the most
interesting bits, namely graphics and network, are provided by the MIDP

The table doesn't show proprietary layers, such as DoCoMo-Profile (a sibling
to MIDP), or device-specific extensions such as KDDI-P or J-Phone's JCSL-P,
which supplement (or supplant) MIDP.

Which layer of compatibility is this article referring to?

Joe Bowbeer

--- original message ---

Date: Sat, 03 Aug 2002 02:07:47 +0900
From: tek1 <tek1@pobox.com>
Subject: J-Phone's New Java Platform Could Be Proprietary


Received on Sat Aug 3 22:43:00 2002