Looked at it. I know about one of them thats listed there. It works.
(The first one on DoCoMo). Its pretty common knowledge.
They rest all sound reasonable. Nothing really super suprising though, though
it could save you some pennies, buts its only for J-Phone and DoCoMo
and I use TuKa so I don't benefit much.
One that might be useful for you DoCoMo users is a secret way to lower
your bill by 100 Yen a month. Someone want to translate that one?? Its not
a hack, its really just a lesser known option. (They don't send your bill details by mail,
instead they send it to your phone, if you use furikomi for your bank and request
this service).
Lots of free ways to get secret icons and chakumelo onto your phone,
and some funny bugs.
I didn't read the whole site, but I think I know a few more bugs I could add on.
Thats a mighty useful site you found there Dave.
"M. David" wrote:
> Just came across an interesting page- mentions some ways to get free
> packets, initializing keitai ROM?? etc.. If anyone has time to distill,
> translate, test..
> http://homepage3.nifty.com/junmix/i/mobile/index.htm
> (japanese)
> David M.
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Paul B. Lester
theta division
LincMEDIA Group:(Layer-8 Technologies Inc)
Chief Engineer
Programmer/Chakumelo engineer/DBA/QA etc
EMAIL: paul_lester@lincmedia.co.jp
personal homepage: http://pbl1.tripod.com/
personal EMAIL: pbl1@cornell.edu
Received on Sun Jul 28 06:12:42 2002