--- From: Juergen Specht <js@nooper.com>
>eNTiTy Ken wrote:
>>motion pictures over the 3-channel PDC air-interface (and we
>>got this silly Nancy).
>whats so silly about Nancy? It works just fine, don't you think so?
I'm afraid I don't Juergen.
maybe Emblaze or PacketVideo will tell you MPEG4 performs poorly
at 28.8 kb/s, but that's while keeping all the compatibility.
if you only want a compact codec, some college students can do
it as homework.
5 sec small motion picture at hardly 1 f/s isn't anything great
you have to download Nancy player from their Web site to watch
Movie Sha-Mail on your PC. also you can't send Movie Sha-Mail
to other Vodafone or GSM/cdma users (SMS and picture Sha-Mail
are piece of cake for message interworking).
also Nancy is only a codec and not a total solution as MPEG4.
there are too many things Nancy doesn't address. you can go
to PacketVideo's Web site to see what they provide and compare.
(I'm not working for any of them, just provide as reference)
http://www.emblaze.com/ , LSE:BLZ.L. this Israeli company
is most experienced with MPEG4, for mobile phones as well as
for digital cable/satellite TV. they provide chip design, too.
http://www.packetvideo.com/ , an unlisted company, investors
are Intel, AOL Time Warner, Comverse, Motorola, Philips,
Qualcomm, Siemens, Sony, Sun, and TI. many guys who developed
the MPEG4 standard are now working for the company.
ps. for discussions like PHS-WLAN and Nancy-MPEG4, I would
prefer on the other side, because defend a false claim is
much more challenging.
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Received on Mon Jul 22 16:29:08 2002