> I’m pretty new at iMode, J-Phone an AU. I’m currently
> developing an application in ASP for all 3 providers
> but somehow, I have some problems with ASP and
> J-Phone.
I only have problems with ESP and J-Phone...but my
telepathic application works pretty well with i-mode and AU!
> I wonder if any of you have encountered such
> problems before and more importantly, how can I
> resolve it.
Mhm, it would help if you would not rely on all the
telepaths out there and tell the world what exactly
your problem is!?!
But what slips somehow paranormal into mind could be a
problem with the URL length. A good rule over the thumb is:
Kp t shrt.
Specs are on the specific web sites (albeit hidden, you need
at least some intuition to find them) of the specific providers.
Hey! Suddenly I know what you think about my answer as you read
it! Come on, it was not that bad!
Juergen Specht, CTO, Nooper.com - Mobile Services Inc., Tokyo, Japan
i-mode & FOMA consulting, development, testing: http://nooper.co.jp/
Received on Mon Jul 15 15:15:19 2002