>The server we
>desire must have:
>a compiler (gcc),
>Of course, a web server, Apache
>The ability for me to telnet and ftp into the server
Historically Postresql has always had better support for Japanese -
though this has been remedied in later versions of mysql. Finding a JP.
box with postgres was always rather easier than mysql. I do not know the
current situation.
I doubt you will find any server worth using that permits telnet access
(as opposed to ssh).
One solution is to simply get a dedicated box at somewhere like rackspace
- and just compile up japanized versions of mysql and whatever language
you are using. That is the way I went when I hit the same problem a few
years ago. That is outside your suggested budget though. I have found
response times quite aceptable over the docomon, AU and J-phone networks
regards Nick
Received on Fri Jul 5 06:41:48 2002