(keitai-l) Re: emoji

From: Juergen Specht <js_at_nooper.com>
Date: 07/04/02
Message-ID: <10567146992.20020704113203@nooper.com>
>         Nooper has N501i handsets!  I think you may have future customer,
> even in Japan its hard for me to test on some old handsets.  I'll have to
> look more carefully on your site!

Oh, we have no time to update the site, it's kinda historic :)
(an update comes soon...)

But yes, if you look carefully around, you see still lots of
users with very old handsets. And the N501i has quite a bit
different behavior than newer ones. For example it's black and
white and the threshold is a bit aggressive...so most color
logos are only half visible, fonts disappear, marquees don't
work and after marquees there is no automatic paragraph inserted.

Makes some sites who don't care very ugly.

Juergen Specht, CTO, Nooper.com - Mobile Services Inc., Tokyo, Japan
i-mode & FOMA consulting, development, testing: http://nooper.co.jp/
Received on Thu Jul 4 05:41:02 2002