(keitai-l) Re: 504 + camera?

From: Kyoichi Ozaki <k_at_afromania.org>
Date: 05/30/02
Message-Id: <20020530.131631.35799928.k@afromania.org>

From: Paul Bryan Lester <pbl1@livedoor.com>
Subject: (keitai-l) Re: 504 + camera?
Date: Wed, 29 May 2002 19:12:56 +0900

>     As for the newer services with moving images and all.... I haven't looked
> into
> the details or tried them out.  And of course there are server based services

the Sha-mail movie is also sent as an attachment to e-mails. (multi-part)
the movie is encoded with nancy codec, and then attached to the email
in base64. the message+movie get's sent via smtp like all other messages,
to Jphones and outside Jphone's network instantly(not always).

Kyoichi Ozaki <k@bancho.jp> Network Engineer.
BANCHO Co.,Ltd. http://bancho.jp/
5-46-12-603 HigashiIkebukuro,Toshimaku,Tokyo. 170-0013
Received on Thu May 30 07:17:42 2002