> There are just a lot of mail to send to i-mode users,for example once a
> week. They all addressed individually.
without knowing more details it's hard to help you, but make sure
that all your DNS settings are correct. DoCoMo is quite picky if you
sent out mail and the reverse lookup is incorrect, you generate
a lot of bounced mails in a single SMTP transaction or you send
out from temporary Internet connections (read: dial in accounts).
If this is part of your business and you don't have anybody who
speaks fluently SMTP, you should think about outsourcing the
email delivery to some specialized companies and just receive
reports about successful and unsuccessfully delivered emails.
This is in any case cheaper than the debug hazzle.
My 2 yen,
Juergen Specht, CTO, - Mobile Services Inc., Tokyo, Japan
i-mode & FOMA consulting, development, testing:
Received on Fri May 24 11:21:27 2002