On Tue, May 21, 2002 at 08:51:17PM +0900, Curt Sampson wrote:
> > no reason to worry about. you can keep it (since you bought).
> There's perfectly good reason to worry; they took back a phone I
> bought when I changed my contract and bought a new phone (at full
> price!). They insisted it was impossible for me to keep the old
> phone.
> I'd go in without it, and if they ask for it back, say you don't
> have it. If they insist, tell them you'll bring it back in later.
> If they won't cancel your contract until you bring it in, just go
> to another shop and say you lost the phone.
This happens most of the time if you upgrade to a newer phone unless
you upgrade in a non docomo shop and haggle. I've done it numerous
times so it works.
Regarding quitting your contract, they will ask you if you wish to
keep your phone or not. Just say you do and thats it. They ask for
the phones back because they recycle them. Before you do it ask if
you can keep it, but I did it about 3 weeks ago again and could
keep the phones without issue.
Thomas O'Dowd. - Nooping - http://nooper.com
tom_at_nooper.com - Testing - http://nooper.co.jp/labs
Received on Tue May 21 15:16:41 2002