dear keitai-lovers,
I have heard that docomo and probably j-phone/kddi are thinking about
(or already preparing) the introduction of phone billing/payment
also for unofficial content providers. compared to official content
providers the ultimate difference will be that those ones have the
quality stamp of the provider and the link on their portal.
given that 50% of traffic goes to unofficial destinations this makes
a lot of sense.
I would like to know if anybody of you has some details on unofficial
site payment/phone billing.
best regards from berlin, jan.
Jan Michael Hess
CEO, Mobile Economy |
Editor-in-Chief, |
ph: +49.30.30 10 74 88 | m: +49.172.32 79 555
e: |
a: Mobile Economy GmbH &
Ahornallee 20, D-14050 Berlin, Germany
Received on Tue May 21 09:45:39 2002