Anyone know if the download includes an emulator?
I just had a quick look at the docs, and tho my japanese is notto so gu, it
seems there are some neat features in the doja 2 specs:
-"OBEX" = IR port API I think. Cool!
-3D support
-sound effects
-improved support for backlights, vibration, etc.
-2D animation and various other graphic manipulation utils.
-Phone class with a 'call' method - now you can dial #'s from an i-appli.
-HTML classes - I think you can display (c?)HTML in an i-appli w/o a special
-MApplication class - not sure, but I think it has something to do with waking
up i-applis after a certain amount of time
-a new IApplication class, which means an i-appli can now launch the browser,
and can tell if it was launched from a browser, mail message, menu, etc.
Can anybody clarify the features listed above, or point us to some English
--- Reto Grob <> wrote:
> for the ones who do not know the doja 2.0 specs yet (of 504 series)..
> have a look at:
> lots of useful apps to develop :-)
> cheers,
> Reto
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