Hi Jeff,
>Thanks Ed it does and it leads to a follow up question. When you create a
>page, what is displayed on browsers that can only handle 5K? Aren't you
>eliminating a segment of your market that has the older browsers?
I'm pretty new to imode but i understand that some browsers will display up
to the data they can max display (if page is 6k they will display 5k) and
other swill display nothing giving an error message.
>That leads to another question, do you find that applications are very
>model dependent and you need to check the phone model and modify the app
>before sending it or do you code down to the lowest common denominator
... this is one of the main issues i guess with mobile devices (i-mode, wap,
j2me) When i started with wap this was (and is) a big issue, for imode this
will be the same, although imode browsers tend to be more forgiven than wap
I think you should build code that recognizes the main features of a browser
and produces output that will work on that device. The way to that has been
an ongoing discussion for over 2 years now. Check out the discussions at
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/wmlprogramming to get more info on this
subject. One of the things we started there was the "WAP Universal Resource
File". the WURFL file contains information regarding wireless devices'
configurations, capabilities and features. The main scope of this file is to
collect as many information as we can about all the existing wireless
devices that access WAP pages so that developers will be able to build
better applications and better services for the users.
(http://jnet1.com/wapresources/v_0.4_alpha/wurfl.xml) As a programmer you
can use this file together with your own code. Maybe this is an innitiative
you could also start this for imode browsers.
But i think if you search through the mailinglist archive at
http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/archives/ you will find much more
interesting stuff on this subject.
Received on Fri May 17 14:14:29 2002