Hi Andrea,
Regarding KPN Mobile's i-mode, I think the situation is that 80% of revenues
from i-mode phones (only) are data revenues. For the rest of their market
(no.1 in the Netherlands) they certainly make much more on voice than data.
The fact that 80% of revenues of i-mode subscribers is data is not
surprising. It's only been a bit over a month and I imagine all those folks
who coughed up the 200 euros for a new handset want to play with their new
toy as much as possible. And you can imagine that everyone who has one also
has to hand it over to all their curious friends.
I also had to read this first sentence several times, but the intended
meaning becomes clear when you read the next parts of the article.
So, IMHO it means that 80% of the total ARPU of i-mode phones (= voice
plus data) comes from i-mode (=data), leaving only 20% for voice ARPU.
The article goes on stating this as a success of i-mode, as the
percentage of data revenue is normally MUCH smaller in Europe.
Unfortunately, the article does not say how high the APRU really is,
which would allow for a better comparison between KPN (I guess that is
the company they are talking about) and other non i-mode operators.
However, the fact that i-mode accounts for 80% of the total ARPU of the
service provider is interesting indeed.
Received on Thu May 16 11:00:44 2002