Replying to myself to add the things I already know...
I wrote:
> I don't know whether this is really the right place to ask, but I'll give
> it a go.
> I want to know how an official subscription site for Euro i-mode
> identifies its subscribers. Is this information generally available? If
> not, who should I contact? Is it made available only after a successful
> application to become an official content provider?
> (Out of interest, is the same information available for Japanese i-mode?)
I know that 503i handsets will set the User-Agent field to
if this is requested in the link tag and approved by the user, and I have
heard that all PDC i-mode handsets do this for official sites.
The "i-mode service guideline" says the User-Agent field will be
<oper>/2.0 <model>(c<cache>;ser<imei-number>;icc<icc-id>)
but it seems that this only applies to FOMA.
The NEC 21i on Euro i-mode apparently sends
portalmmm/1.0 n21i-10(c<cache>)
when not providing ID; would I be right in thinking that it can add ser
and/or icc to that?
Supposing that this is the right way to find the user ID, it still
leaves the question of telling which users are subscribed (in that
they will actually be billed).
Received on Sat May 11 00:34:46 2002