Hi all,
There is an interesting article describing Japanese reporters investigating
the (non)success of i-mode in Germany:
(Japanese only)
Facit: in the two main E-Plus shops in Berlin (Alexander Platz and Zoo), not
one i-mode phone has been sold so far. The interest seems high, but actual
sales are not happening.
The article also compares the N503iS and the N21i functionality and shows
that the display brightness is quite different:
They come to the conclusion that colorful and advanced i-mode phones will
rather sell in countries like France (because French people are more
fashionable) than in Germany (where people want simple and cheap phones and don't care
about color and fancy stuff).
Andrea Hoffmann
EGIS Consulting Group
E-Mail: info@egis.co.jp
Ph: +81-3-3264-1060
Fx: +81-3-3265-2260
GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.
Received on Wed May 1 03:59:56 2002