Apologies if anyone gets this twice - bit of an e-mail
Anyway, in my experience of UK-based GPRS services, it
is not the handsets that are lacking. Rather there is
simply no decent content for these advanced,
color-screened, products. In addition, the downlink
speeds are far too slow and the uplink? You'll be
bloody lucky!!
The operators have moaned for 2 years now that there's
no handsets. Now, we've got the devices, but no
content. Hell, some carriers are still trying to sell
this as GPRS!
Regarding the terminals, I've been using a BlackBerry
which is great at what it does, but leaves you wanting
more. I believe the forthcoming XDA product from O2 is
much closer to the mark, with a good quality color
screen and decent UI. The battery life is pretty crap
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Received on Mon Apr 29 13:53:16 2002