I am trying to find some further information regarding
j-phone's sha-mail and movie sha-mail.
Would someone be able to answer the following
1) What is the cost of sending a long mail/sha-mail
and supermail/movie-sha-mail?
2) J-phone has mentioned 1 in 3 phones are now
sha-mail enabled. Does sha-mail require any software
to be installed on the device or does it just mean
there needs to be a camera?
3) Can users of J-phone not simply e-mail photos to
each other (instead of using sha-mail)? if so, what
are the benefits of Sha-mail over e-mail?
4) Are the other Japanese mobile operators
offering/planning any similar services?
Any help would be much appreciated.
kind regards,
Mark Pekelharing
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Received on Thu Apr 18 16:27:46 2002