(keitai-l) Re: AW: Re: AW: Re: Control over i-mode

From: Christian Vollmann <vollmann_at_whu.edu>
Date: 04/08/02
Message-ID: <B8D774A7.3670%vollmann@whu.edu>
Hi everybody!

I have one last question: What about the content that really rocks in the
i-menu, like the Bandai comics and stuff like that... is this exclusively
available through i-mode or does Bandai offer similar stuff on J-Sky and

What about other content providers with a lot of traffic? Who has the
stronger negotiation power: DoCoMo (with all the i-mode subscribers behind
it) or the content providers (with content people love and hence strong
demand for it, like Bandai)? I am not talking about some small content
providers here, but the big guys (like Walt Disney, AOL Time Warner in the

Thanks for sharing your insights,

Received on Mon Apr 8 17:20:53 2002