(keitai-l) Re: Docomo mailer slow?

From: Paul Lester <paul_lester_at_lincmedia.co.jp>
Date: 04/04/02
Message-ID: <3CABA4F9.8CCD7E80@lincmedia.co.jp>
    Found one problem once during testing similar but it could be
a one off.  It also happened last week so it might not happen now.

    When I send to a DoCoMo address singly it goes through right away...
but if to save time I send the same message to 2 DoCoMo phones at once
it takes a long time (or maybe didn't get through).  I guessed this was
an anti-spam measure so I now just send emails to 1 DoCoMo phone
at a time, and for that hour did my tests another way.

    Anyone with any similar experiences? ... so far my experience with
DoCoMo phones and email has seen very few problems compared to
J-Phone, AU and TuKa.  So the fact that once (out of many times)
one mail had problems was surprising.

Darren Cook wrote:

> Hi,
> Is anyone having trouble sending mail to docomo addresses? I keep
> getting refused connections (*). Eventually the mail gets accepted
> though. (this is from my own machine, where I send no more than a dozen
> docomo mails a day, so I shouldn't be catching the docomo anti-spammer
> blocks).
> Darren
> *:
> 2002-04-04 08:49:50 16suRX-00021s-00 mfsmax.docomo.ne.jp []: Connection refused
> 2002-04-04 08:49:50 16suRX-00021s-00 mfsmax.docomo.ne.jp []: Connection refused
> 2002-04-04 08:49:53 16suRX-00021s-00 mfsmax.docomo.ne.jp []: Connection refused
> 2002-04-04 08:50:14 16suRX-00021s-00 mfsmax.docomo.ne.jp []: Connection refused
> 2002-04-04 08:50:14 16suRX-00021s-00 == (ooh, don't spam me)@docomo.ne.jp T=remote_smtp_single
> defer (111): Connection refused
> This mail was sent to address paul.lester@lincmedia.co.jp
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Paul Bryan Lester
Layer-8 Technologies Inc
LincMEDIA Group
QA ENGINEER/Programmer etc etc
EMAIL: paul.lester@L8tech.com

personal homepage: http://pbl1.tripod.com/
personal EMAIL: pbl1@cornell.edu
Received on Thu Apr 4 04:00:45 2002