Dear keitai-lovers.
I would like to get your comments/experience on 2 issues:
1. import of wireless applications to Japan
As point out, there are 50.3 million mobile
net subscribers in Japan which makes it by far the most interesting
market for mobile premium or advertising-financed applications.
Knowing that many of you on this list are not of Japanese origin
but live in Japan with many contacts to Europe etc. my request is
not new - I imagine many of you have all thought about it ...
Still, I would like to learn about your experience of helping
import wireless applications developed outside of Japan
(Scandinavia, rest of Europe, US) to Japan and how easy it is
to negotiate revenue sharing/official partner deals with
NTTdocomo/J-phone/KDDI. In this context, what are the
revenue shares given to content providers by J-phone and KDDI?.
Or are European or US players really just a niche market in Japan
because they are slow in exporting cool applications to Japan.
E.g. take a look at from Berlin to see what type
of sophistication I am referring to that might be successful in Japan.
2. export wireless applications from Japan to Europe
For application developers - again many of you are - the coming
12 months in the European mobile economy might be very interesting.
Waiting for it for a long time and dreaming about what is daily
practice in Japan, we will finally have significant penetration
of GPRS/Java/Colour devices. Operators in Europe are looking for
successful premium applications. So except for fast movers like cybird and imahima
I did not see many Japanese application developers pushing into Europe.
Why is that so? Who of you plans to or does export your success/experience/know-how
to Europe? Do you find it easy to make deals with European operators?
Whom do you work with to accelerate the process?
The background of 1. and 2. is that we are contemplating right now
to push companies and applications in both directions. As we are based
here in Germany (number 1 market of Europe) and partner with players
in other big markets (UK, Italy, Spain, France), we are open to discussing
1. and 2. in detail off the list.
Your general feedback, however, might be very helpful for everybody on the list.
Looking forward to hearing from you. Jansan.
Jan Michael Hess a.k.a. jansan
CEO, Mobile Economy |
Editor-in-Chief, |
Mobile Usability Report |
ph: +49.30.30 10 74 88
m: +49.172.32 79 555
e: |
a: Mobile Economy GmbH &
Ahornallee 20, D-14050 Berlin, Germany
Received on Sun Mar 24 20:04:41 2002