At 00:43 2002-03-07, you wrote:
>On Wed, 6 Mar 2002, Olivier MARTIN wrote:
> > URL below :
> >
>I noticed a couple of interesting things about the press release
>on the phone itself:
> 1. No weight specified.
> 2. No picture of the phone.
>Anybody know where I can get this information?
Here and, of course, at mobilemediajapan:$3606 (see fact sheet).
It's a pretty dull experience. Clumsier than Japanese NECs, ugly interface
etc. And no Java, which probably is a big mistake (?).
Anyway, I hope some of the upcoming other phones are more interesting. NEC
has also announced a follow-up phone which _should_ be able to handle
i-mode as well as WAP 2 nicely (but you never know). It will be released at
CeBIT next week. This will most likely be the base for the first i-mode
phone for AT&T.
Quite a few other colour phones will be there, but most of them being
bastards in terms of supporting standards, especially WAP 2.
Anyway, a glimpse of the new NEC is here:
>Curt Sampson <> +81 90 7737 2974
> Don't you know, in this new Dark Age, we're all light. --XTC
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